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About Cuphead

Cuphead is a shooting game that gives you an unexpected experience. In the game, you will explore new lands, show off your shooting skills, and destroy bosses.

This game is inspired by the animated movie produced in 1930 and the special thing is that it still retains the classic features. The characters are all hand-painted with watercolors accompanied by nostalgic classical jazz music. This is also exactly an adventure shooter and the game uses the phrase "hell" several times. When playing the game you will also experience the feeling of adventure on brand-new islands! Take on engage in fierce battles, change the existing weapons, and learn more fighting ways to help people in Cuphead. You can also collect new weapons, weapons, charms, and brand-new skills. In Cuphead, you engage in a run-and-gun action encounter against bosses. Play now to explore exotic realms, gather new weapons, master strong super techniques, and uncover hidden mysteries as you attempt to repay the devil.

If you like experiencing more kinds of games, you can visit Daddy Rabbit, Happy Racing Online, Tallman Run, and Stacky Run.

How to play

Use the mouse to play.


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